Fiber Artist
I love making the totems! As soon as I begin, the essence, spirit
and persona show up and begin to guide me in its own creation. Really!
Wrapped, twisted, tied and embellished, they are created with love.
and persona show up and begin to guide me in its own creation. Really!
Wrapped, twisted, tied and embellished, they are created with love.
In making the hangings, I really let it fly with mixing and matching
unexpected and surprising combinations of fabrics – often gleaned from thrift store clothing. I have also been known to pull something out of my own closet and begin cutting!!! Is nothing sacred???? No, not really!
unexpected and surprising combinations of fabrics – often gleaned from thrift store clothing. I have also been known to pull something out of my own closet and begin cutting!!! Is nothing sacred???? No, not really!
This series was created using a large stash of paper ephemera – handmade, textured, and marbleized papers, gold and silver candy wrappers, and otherbits and pieces of found images and papers.
Circa 2018 Their size is approx. 9" x 11".
Circa 2018 Their size is approx. 9" x 11".
Donna's Journey

My love affair with making, mixing, patterning, collaging, stitching, coloring, pasting began early. Scrapbooking and creating my own images with cut outs from Life magazines is one of my fondest and earliest art making memories. Coming from a long lineage of women who embroidered, quilted, knit and crocheted, instilled a love of the feel and texture of fiber and thread. While a child at my grandmother's knee I experienced the thrill of plying a needle with a bright length of colored thread through flour sacking to create a set of dish towels.
Graduating from the University of California Santa Cruz with degrees in Photography and Printmaking, I spent the next several years taking a lot of pictures. At a point about 20 years ago I returned to my first love and began a series of original needlepoint pillows. At the time I was living a gypsy lifestyle and the ease and lightness of carrying canvas and yarn around was very appealing and allowed me to work with the lush colors and richness of Persian yarns.
After settling in T or C I had the good fortune to buy a house with a large studio space and my focus changed from small, portable pieces to larger and more varied work which includes wall hangings, totem figures, bags, fabric collage and assemblages. Of utmost importance to my aesthetic is the unearthing of found fabrics, paper, beads, sticks rocks, rusty stuff found in the desert, on the street and anywhere else one stumbles upon the detritus of human activity for reuse, repurposing, and reshaping into whatever captures my fancy at any given moment. Having fun combining all of these elements along with color and pattern gives me such great pleasure in making things....Donna Monroe
Graduating from the University of California Santa Cruz with degrees in Photography and Printmaking, I spent the next several years taking a lot of pictures. At a point about 20 years ago I returned to my first love and began a series of original needlepoint pillows. At the time I was living a gypsy lifestyle and the ease and lightness of carrying canvas and yarn around was very appealing and allowed me to work with the lush colors and richness of Persian yarns.
After settling in T or C I had the good fortune to buy a house with a large studio space and my focus changed from small, portable pieces to larger and more varied work which includes wall hangings, totem figures, bags, fabric collage and assemblages. Of utmost importance to my aesthetic is the unearthing of found fabrics, paper, beads, sticks rocks, rusty stuff found in the desert, on the street and anywhere else one stumbles upon the detritus of human activity for reuse, repurposing, and reshaping into whatever captures my fancy at any given moment. Having fun combining all of these elements along with color and pattern gives me such great pleasure in making things....Donna Monroe
Contact Eduardo Alicea, Gallery Owner - Director
Phone: 1.575.894.0572 Email: [email protected]
Contact Eduardo Alicea, Gallery Owner - Director
Phone: 1.575.894.0572 Email: [email protected]